Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There's A First Time For Everything

Today at 3:34 PM I sent a message to Twitter via text saying, "Thank you car for hitting me.  Now what the hell am I suppose to do?"  In the course of two minutes I get @replyed back from Kevin and Lauren asking what happened.  When the clock hit 3:40 I got actual texts from other friends asking what happened.  I was able to explain over text but not over twitter, maybe I should just get Kevin's and Lauren's phone numbers one day.  But for Kevin and Lauren, and everyone else who is wondering, here's what happened:

I used my artistic abilities with a computer mouse to draw a visual of what exactly was going on:

Track starts at 3:40 everyday which forces me to leave at the Senior Bell if I want to have enough time to change and get back to the school in time for Track.  I got out of Physics late today because we had our Momentum Test and I had yet to complete it when the time came for Seniors to leave at 3:05.  When I finally boxed my final answer the clock already showed the time to be 3:20.  I left immediately, rushing to my locker on the other end of the school.  When I finally got outside I started slowing down.

By the time I got my restricted license - being able to drive without a parent, but only with one passenger - there weren't any parking spots left at the school.  For $10 I was given a pass to park up at JCC, the college next door to the High School.  It is about a 5 minute walk from the High School to JCC.  By the time I got into my car it was 3:28 and students were already going to their cars.  I decided to not stay there and change in my car - which is where I usually change - because I wanted to get out before all the students started to leave.  

I pulled out of my parking spot and began on my way.  Going over each speed bump at the required 10mph.  Now, this is the part where the picture comes in.  There were only 2 cars when I got over the last speed bump and headed for my "destination".   Both vehicles were on the right side of the road, allowing me to assume they were turning right, since 1) they didn't have their blinker on and 2) when you are on the right, you turn right, when you are on the left, you turn left, that is how JCC goes.  The first car - a grey van - turned right making my assumption correct.  I stayed on the left with my left blinker on and began to get closer to my "destination".  As soon as I reached my "destination", the red car that was on the right, turned into me.

We sat there for about 5 minutes, not really sure of what to do.  I saw her role down her window so I rolled down my back right window since it matched with hers.  We began to talk it out and tried to figure out how to move our cars and what to do since lines were beginning to form behind us to leave.  Once her friend got there to look at it we agreed for her to back up and move her car off of mine and once that was done, she moved her car to the grass.  Because I was on the left side, I had to do a U Turn and turn back into JCC and off to the side road.  The girl, who was a college student taking classes at JCC, got out of her car and with her other friends walked over to my car.  We talked about what exactly happened, looked at the damage on my car and figured out who to call.  After the call was made, eventually they wondered back to her car.  I ended up leaned against my car on my passenger door texting while waiting for the police to arrive.

When the cop came, he asked me to explain to him what happened, in which I did.  I gave him my insurance and license and he wrote the report.  When he came back, he took a picture of the damage - which was just a pretty big dent above my front right tire -  and told me that it will most likely be the other person's fault because it is obvious she hit me, and the road is wide enough for two lanes and that is how it is used.  Once that was over, I drove to my mom's work and showed her since I had called her and she asked me to come and show her.  Once she was done, I drove home.

It is truly amazing to me on how I cry over little things.  I mean - just today I started getting really upset when I was running out of time on my Physics test because I didn't want to be late for Track.  But then, when it comes to getting hit in the back with an aluminum bat, my grandfather dieing, and a car hitting me, I don't get upset or at least cry at all.  I just don't understand myself.

Hope that clears things up for people and hopefully I won't be blogging up something similar happening anytime soon.


1 comment:

  1. Physics test that never ends, eh? I had to take a Genetics test that was 10 word problems including making a key, a punnet square, identifying the phenotype/genotype, possibly forming and f2 and a whole lot of shit.

    Did I mention the dihybrids? They are a BITCH.

    Oh, this was all in shortened periods. I got 9-ish done.
